To the girl with baby on her Christmas list...

Hi there! I'm Brandy, the writer and photographer here at A Sweet Aroma. I hope you find this space to be one of encouragement at transparency as I blog and photograph my way through this beautiful life.
Brandy..thank you so much for this post. It was right on point. For myself and for a friend of mine. Thank you for being so open and honest. I cried but it was so nice to have someone understand. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteThis is tough to read. My sister in law just lost her baby a few days ago & my husband and I can't have kids at the moment. Love your heart in this. God is provider & He will bless us with children in His perfect timing.
ReplyDeleteThank you for posting this! It hits home for so many of us struggling with this this Holiday season!
ReplyDeletePraying for you Kelsey. It's crazy how many people are in our boat. Adding you to list of baby prayers today.
ReplyDeleteAmen. He so will.... If only that took the hurt away :(. Praying for you and your sister-in-law.
ReplyDeleteSo many more people are feeling than I wish were. It breaks my heart to think of so many women longing for babies.... especially during this season. I'm glad it could be of a little comfort to you. Praying for you Faith.
ReplyDeleteI so needed to read this today. We've been TTC for a little over 12 months now. It's so hard because every one of my girlfriends is pregnant! We all used to chat about how fun it would be to have kids together and we all started trying about the same time. Then they all got pregnant within 2 months, and I'm the only one who's not yet. I love that they're going to be parents and I want to celebrate and be happy with them. It's just so hard because they keep offering me the same "enjoy it while you can" and "in God's time" and just don't understand how hard it is. I want to just be content and at peace, but it's not like flipping a switch. Especially not when all we chat about at small group now is pregnancy and babies. Even worse I nanny 4 infants, so I'm surrounded. Thank you for sharing and letting me know I'm not alone.
ReplyDeleteYou are definitely not alone, Stephanie. I am adding you to my prayer list today. It is such a struggle. Just last weekend I threw a baby shower and had another friend tell me she was pregnant all in the same day. I am SO happy for them... I just wish I were in that season with them. I have a post coming soon on this but here's a new response I have for people when they say "all in God's timing" or "God has a purpose".... When someone has cancer or loses a loved one, you still know that God is good, you know He has a plan and you know if it's His will, He will heal in His timing.... HOWEVER, it doesn't take away the longing, the sadness, the pain. One of my biggest passion in sharing about infertility is hoping that people will become more sensitive to it and learn proper ways to speak to those with it. Praying the Lord blesses you with a baby soon and that He covers you with peace in joy in this somewhat difficult holiday season.
ReplyDeleteThankyou so much for posting this. This really hit me hard. Like you, this is also my 2nd Christmas of a baby at the top of the list. I too have things stashed away and was hoping to do a big reveal on Christmas day. It is so extremly hard. And I couldn't agree with you more when you say that it's IMPOSSIBLE to "just stop thinking about it" and it is possible to be excited for others and love your family, yet be greiving so deeply at the same time. Thankyou for this heart breaking, yet heart warming post. It's comforting to know I'm not alone this Christmas.
ReplyDeleteNeive xo
So sorry to hear that you too are in this boat with me Neive. I will be praying for you and especially during this time. You are definitely not alone.
ReplyDeleteThank you Ali.
ReplyDeleteBeautiful, absolutely beautiful!! I spent 2 Christmases with baby on my list and then the 3rd Christmas I was 6 months pregnant. Miracles happen all the time. There are many of us who have struggled to have babies, never feel alone.
ReplyDeleteWe got to hope and believe :)
ReplyDeleteYes, yes we do. One day at a time. One month at a time.
ReplyDeleteThis hurts so much. It is helpful to know that I am not alone, but also very painful to know that others understand how I feel, and how I feel is...awful. Our first baby was due just after Christmas, this year she would be turning two. I thought that last month would bring our positive, but my period came and now we have to start all over once again. Three years, two losses, and still no baby in our arms. II pray that this Christmas will be the time for my husband & I, and for all other couples longing for children. God bless you. 💜
ReplyDeleteI have been there too, and much of the time you feel no one understands. We tried for nearly 9 years. I have 2 beautiful daughters now. God does answer prayer.