Before we got our positive we knew that if this month was the month, we would wait and share in person with Joel’s family since we were seeing them so soon. The plan for telling my mom had originally been to FaceTime her on her birthday (Friday), but when we tested on Thursday morning instead of Thursday night we knew there was no way we could wait 24hrs to tell the first person haha.
So Thursday morning I asked her to FaceTime her about something with work. She was on vacation with my stepdad Tim so she was at the hotel that morning when she got the text. Once we got connected, we chatted back and forth for a few minutes. While discussing her vacation this conversation took place….. Me: So enjoying your vacation? Having a good birthday celebration? Her: Yeah it’s been great. Me: Well, it’s about to get even better. Then I showed her the test and she totally freaked out! haha. She definitely won best reaction. She started screaming to Tim “She’s pregnant! Thank you God, she’s pregnant!” Then she started crying. :)
Over the next few days we tried to just weave it into conversations and get people’s reaction. My sister was babysitting when I called so after a couple minutes of chatting I said “it’s a good thing you’re getting practice because you have another niece or nephew on the way.” Her response… “what?!” “Nu uh.” “You’re pregnant?” “Are you serious?” ….. she finally believed me and proceeded to get really excited.
There were some random ones that stand out.
Our friend that was out of town that we FaceTimed who cried for 3 minutes and couldn’t even talk to us. Our worship pastor who immediately threw up his hands in praise… no words, just motions. My friend who’s pregnant that looked at the picture of the test and said “Is that yours?” before giving me a huge bear hug…. her husband who fist pounded me and said “it’s about time.” (My thoughts exactly lol). The friend who came up and asked how I was and I responded with “pregnant”… I thought she would pee herself. The friend who sobbed instantly and again every time she heard me talk about. The awesome response from the messages sent to our LifeGroup and Young Marrieds. The friend who almost tackled me in the nursery. The friend who drove to my house the day she found out because she needed to celebrate in person. Friends of ours who kept telling us this was just the best news over and over <3. All of them are so sweet. Such great memories.
Then came the time to share with Joel’s family in person. We were in AZ for Joel’s brother’s wedding. The day after we arrived all the family that was there so far was taking a day trip to the Grand Canyon. Before we left Joel announced that Bethany (his brother’s fiancĂ©) wasn’t the only way our family was growing but that we were having a baby!” It was so fun getting to share the news and have his mom talk pregnancy with me the whole ride to the Grand Canyon and his dad is all about grand-babies. The next day his older brother, wife and 2 girls showed up (one of which was only 3 weeks old)! At dinner, Joel shared with them that Hannah (our newest niece) was going to be a big cousin! Given that most of his family lives on the west coast and we only get to see them 1-2x/year, it was so special to be able to share the news with them in person.
The week and a half wait to share on my blog and with the grand group that had been praying for us was torture! I’m glad I had already scheduled a blogging break or else it wouldn’t have been possible to avoid spilling the news. We feel so loved knowing this baby has been so celebrated and rejoiced over. Sharing this news with those we love has brought some of the most wonderful memories. They are moments that I will cherish forever!

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