Two years ago on this day I woke up giddy and to be honest, a little nervous. Which is kind of silly now that I think about it....
See 2 weeks before on July 7th, 2013 Joel and I met at Starbucks to talk as he requested. It was then that he went into all the characteristics he'd been observing in my life and dropped the line that still brings a smile to my face even today: "I would like to pursue you with the hope of making you my wife." While some might find that way too serious or wonder why he couldn't just ask me out for pizza, in my world it was the most perfect thing he could have said.
The next few days were busy with a going away party for one of my best friends, church activities, and packing. That Starbucks talked happened on Sunday and on Thursday morning I met Joel for breakfast before I headed out of town to Georgia for PowerLife. The next 10 days I was away being a Student Servant for the ministry I'd been part of for many years. After lots of long phone calls and getting back home to Delaware, it was finally time to actually have our first date..... my first date ever.
One dear friend did my nails and another helped me decide on an outfit. Even though this wasn't a testing the waters kind of date, I still found myself nervous as that green Jeep Wrangler came down the driveway on the property where I was living.
I remember that evening all so clearly. He took me to Olive Garden because he knew it was my favorite. I laugh now that I felt insecure because he ate so "proper" and I was the small town girl who never used her knife to cut. We went to watch Despicable Me 2 because we're both kids at heart and we laughed so hard my belly hurt. On the way home we got Chick-Fil-A milkshakes.
At the time I was a nanny and I lived in the carriage house on the beautiful property where we got married. When we got back, neither of us were ready for the night to end so we sat on the wicker porch swing out back and talked. That swing became our spot.
It's where we ended almost every evening and where we poured out the stories that made us who we were. It's where I first found the comfort of laying my head on his shoulder. It's where he first said "I love you" and I shared I loved him too. It's where we talked and dreamed about our wedding throughout our engagement. It's where we discussed hopes for a family and lots of little ones running around. It's our spot and it will always hold a dear place in my heart.
Two years later is even better than I could have imagined that night from that porch swing. This morning I woke up to a kiss as usual. I made a sandwich and packed a bag and loved on Husband as he headed to work. He'll get home a little after 5 to be greeted by that same giddy girl who watched him pull down the driveway 2 years ago. We'll have a quick dinner (and he'll likely use his fork to cut) before I head out to worship team practice. Tonight as we go to bed my head will find that same sweet spot on his shoulder and for the millionth time I'll say "I love you." We'll thank God for this day, for this baby, and for His blessings. It really is better than I ever could have dreamed.
You can read why we got engaged after only one month here and the full Miller Love Story here.
Hi there! I'm Brandy, the writer and photographer here at A Sweet Aroma. I hope you find this space to be one of encouragement at transparency as I blog and photograph my way through this beautiful life.
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