It's late and once again our little buddy is asleep on Daddy's chest. The dishes are done, laundry changed, and I've had a shower (my usual nightly routine while he sleeps on Dad). They're both still out so I'm taking a few minutes to share a bit about our boy. Sure I should probably be unpacking from the trip, finishing up my baby clothe reorganization, or maybe even sleeping ha. But the truth is I miss this space. I feel like the days are just zipping by and I miss documenting life as it goes. As we fall into more normalcy, this is a space I hope to return to more often.
So how is our little man doing?
He turned 3 months old on Sunday and that's incredibly hard to believe. He's growing so well! We had a dip in his growth around 2 months. This was most likely due to him fighting off a virus that landed us in the children's hospital for a few days. But this last month he's picked up so much. I'm not sure of his current weight but I'm guessing it's between 9 and 10 pounds. He's moved to 0-3 month clothing (minus a few newborn onesies) and is in size 1 diapers.
He's a super alert and expressive guy during his awake periods. He loves to coo and smile and be talked to. He will push up during tummy time and has great head control at this point. He loves to stand and take steps. We are loving watching him grow and get stronger.
He still eats quite a bit and most of our days are spent on the couch nursing while I binge watch SVU.... yeah thanks to my sister for getting me hooked. At night he'll sometimes go a 5 hours stretch but most nights it's still only 3-4 hours at a time. I think my body is getting used to my new sleep schedule and other than the night here and there where he wants to nurse every 2 hours, I'm feeling pretty rested.
We're coming off of his first big road trip as we traveled to my hometown for the week last week. Our usual 9 hour trip was 13 hours on the way and 11 on the way back. After the trip down, I was thinking that it might be many months before we did it again but the trip back was much better and has me a little more hopeful for future trips. Saturday we had a small sip and see for friends and family to come by and meet Levi. The whole week was an adventure of him meeting and being loved on by so many. Watching my Grams with him was so precious. He may never know how truly loved he is.
Sometimes I still can't believe he's mine. He's such a gift that I thank God for. This time last year I was heartbroken thinking that my hope for a December baby had been shattered. Little did I know two months later I would conceive this sweet child who'd be born 6 weeks early on the day after Christmas. It's hard to wrap my head around. These days are some of the most favorite of my life.
Hi there! I'm Brandy, the writer and photographer here at A Sweet Aroma. I hope you find this space to be one of encouragement at transparency as I blog and photograph my way through this beautiful life.
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