Last week Levi turned 6 months old! It's been an eventful couple months and mama is still wishing time would just SLOW DOWN! (No I haven't watched that music video because I'm not prepared for the monsoon that would come after it.)
Levi is now 13lbs 14oz and 24.25in long. He's still nursing pretty frequently but has definitely gotten more efficient making our time stuck on the couch less and less! He's started eating some solid foods and loves sweet potatoes, cantaloupe, and just about anything else you'll give him. He's been in 3-6 month clothing for a little over a month now and is in size 3 diapers.
He loves to play in his exersaucer and still greatly enjoys his treetop playmat. He LOVES people and talks and smiles with just about anyone who will pay him attention. He's started to recognize faces and will light up when he sees Joel or I from across the room. The belly laughing has begun and I couldn't be more obsessed. Those moments are probably my favorite in our days. He's rolling from side to side, is close to sitting up solo, and can scoot off his playmat. He usually sleeps a good 6-8 hour stretch at night but those 2 teeth making their way in are messing with that here and there.
In the last two months....
Levi was dedicated at church.
Blessed Joel and I in celebrating our first Mother's and Father's days.
Had his first few trips to the beach.
Celebrated his cousin's first birthday.
Welcomed a new baby cousin.
Got a visit from Nana, Auntie Kate, and Uncle Jack.
Experienced his first VBS.
And continued to be loved to the max and fill our hearts with so so much joy.
Hi there! I'm Brandy, the writer and photographer here at A Sweet Aroma. I hope you find this space to be one of encouragement at transparency as I blog and photograph my way through this beautiful life.
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