It's hard to believe that yesterday put me at 33 weeks! It's also really hard to believe that that at this point in my last pregnancy I was only one week away from laying eyes on my Levi. It's kind of surreal that my pregnancies have been so different and I'm praying that the normal blood pressures and good health continue so we can keep Malachi in my belly instead of the NICU.
We've had a great few weeks preparing to meet this sweet guy and soaking in our last days with just Levi.
BABY | Malachi is growing a ton and is around the size of a cauliflower blossom. It's crazy to think that he's almost the size that Levi was when I first held him in my arms. He's been doing great and because of my previous preeclampsia we get to see him every week! He's head down now and will hopefully stay that way until it's go time. He cracks me up with his crazy movements when he gets going and I can now watch them as well as feel them! He has quite the stock of Little Brother outfits built up from so many who love him and we are getting more and more thrilled about meeting him face to face!
MOMMA | I'm overall doing really well! I'm praising God that at this point I'm still not having any blood pressure issues and am still praying for a May delivery! I'm definitely feeling more limited in movements and struggling to get sleep all the more, but in general I feel really good and am loving getting to experience pregnancy without all the swelling and headaches I had last time. I've been washing clothes and other necessities as well as reorganizing closets and drawers to get ready. I'm nesting and loving it ha.
DADDY | Joel is helping me with my nesting requests while still frequently reminding me that "we have x amount of weeks left." Ha. He says I act like the baby is coming tomorrow but I just want to be more prepared than I was last time and I also know how fast the weeks are flying by. He can't wait to introduce Levi to baby brother and get to love on Malachi. He's also doing lots to help us hopefully get a minivan before birth!
BROTHER | Levi is getting more and more excited and I'm surprised by how much he understands. He still kisses and loves on my belly a ton. He's also, starting to point out things that are for the baby. He pointed to the play mat after I watched it and said "baby play" and loved talking about the "baby bye bye seat" when we got the car seat in. I know his whole world is about to change and I'm sure there will be some tough transitions but I feel like he's as prepared and excited as any 2 year old could be. (And for those of you following along from last time, Levi has not potty trained and I'm totally okay with that. ha. We'll try again this summer.)
My polling question is for minivan families! (Sorry SUVers... this short momma has always looked forward to my minivan days lol) What minivan(s) has your family had and what are pros/cons to that one?
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