Holding My Breath 1 Comment confessions of the 2 week wait , daring to dream , hope , infertility , the future miller babies I took the week away from the blog as I traveled to VA to spend some time with family & friends. I've had so many thoughts I wanted to share that will all spill out on later dates. I'm so thankful for the many of you who follow along and pray for us month by month. For those of you who do, here's an update.... All week I've been so confident, hopeful, sure. I've already thought of the announcements. Daydreamed through the joy. Got my hopes completely up. These last two days those terribly ambiguous symptoms have creeped in. The ones that could indicate that baby I've dreamed up this month is just a dream. Or the ones that could indicate my dream has come true. I'm sitting on the edge of my seat. Waiting to know the answer. Holding my breath. Knowing that these next few days could be the worst of the month. Believing the next few days will be some of the best of my life. Holding my breath. Hoping that this month won't end like all the rest. Resting in His goodness even if it does. Holding my breath. Every pain, every feeling, every tear, leaves me wondering..... leaves me holding my breath. These are the last few days before the know... Though the waiting drives me crazy and my emotions take no landing, I enjoy this time in some strange way. I enjoy the hoping, dreaming, planning for the answer of an expectant prayer.... all the while, holding my breath.
Praying and crossing my fingers for you!