Coming up in October

October is my favorite month of the year. It always has been.

This year for October I'm joining in with the blog world on something I've never done....
blogging through a whole month.

There are all sorts of challenges and link-ups that go around for Blogtober and they are all pretty much centered around blogging for the 31 days of October. I don't know that I really fit into any one category but I'm excited to challenge myself to be more active on this space than ever! 

October is going to be a busy but beautiful month and I'm excited to share many aspects of it with you! In the coming month you'll discover our baby boy's name, hear about my sweet 16, help me celebrate turning 25, read some details on my move to Delaware, read more of my thoughts from our struggle to conceive, get a glimpse into our Babymoon, see a 25 week update on Little Man, peek into our 2 year anniversary, and find out some of our hopes for the coming months as the Millers! 

I'm excited (and a little nervous to be honest)! But mostly excited!

If you want to make sure you don't miss a post, like the A Sweet Aroma Facebook page or follow me on Bloglovin. (Find both links on the right under my name.) In efforts to not make my personal Facebook page spammy, I likely won't share every single post on there so if that's normally how you follow me make sure to jump on one of these other options!

See you in October.... or should I say Blogtober? 
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