Hooray for the 2nd Trimester! It's hard to believe I'm already at 15 weeks with this baby. I thought my first pregnancy flew by but this one seems to be going even faster now that I have Levi to keep up with. He was sick for a couple weeks this month but thankfully started feeling better right at Thanksgiving. We spent a wonderful few days in VA with my family and are getting settled back in at home this week while decorating for Christmas!
BABY | Little Baby is about the size of an Avocado or around 4 inches long. Around this time his or her face is forming more and the practice breathing has started. Every week when I read what's going on with this child inside of my womb, I am seriously blown away. We haven't got to get a peek at our littlest love since 8.5 weeks but my lovely app tells me that his/her legs and arms are growing fast and catching up with the rest of the body.
MOMMA | I am feeling pretty great overall! The overwhelming fatigue and nausea have left me and I've moved on to new symptoms! My allergies have been on overdrive and the leg cramps have arrived. I'm also considering buying a face mask for diaper changes as my increased sense of smell has already led to some puking. Ha. I am loving watching my bump get bigger and not feeling quite so awkward in my clothing. I'm also loving the few flutters I've felt and am looking forward to the more distinct kicks to come. I just found out today that I won't be able to do my Detail Ultrasound until January 12th (I was hoping for before Christmas) so we won't know if we're welcoming a brother or sister until then! Either way I'll be incredibly thrilled but I am getting eager to know.
DADDY | Joel is (unlike last time) convinced that this baby is a boy. We will see what his record becomes. He is still waiting to get to feel the baby move and excited for when that will come. He's, as always, taking good care of me and also saying some pretty hilarious things. I need to do a catch up post on his funny sayings for sure.
BROTHER | Levi is completely melting us with his baby obsession. Now when talking about the baby in my belly he refers to it as "my baby." Ha. He often begs to "see the babies" on my phone referring to a friend of mine's twin girls. Last week he got to hold his baby cousin (4mo) for the first time and I had literal tears coming down my face as I attempted to video and take pictures. He's watched back the video at least 20 times since then. I seriously can't even imagine how crazy it will be when he meets "his baby" for the first time.
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